The First Wisconsin Wilderness Campout Occured August 5th - 7th, 2016 at Astico County Park in Columbus, WI. Total Furs in Attendance was 19 and it was a nice first year to the annual Tradition. Coordinated and executed by Wolfletech, The campout had everything from games, to fires, to Awooing over the Amateur Radio Airwaves!
The Second Installment of the Wisconsin Wilderness Campout was held August 4th - 6th, 2017 at Astico County Park in Columbus, WI. A new area was the backdrop of the campout right on the Crawfish River, Kayak Races, a movie, and Delicious Smoked Brisket made the campout a huge succuss this time around. 40 Furs were in attendance over the weekend.
On Feburary 14, 2018, The long awaited goal of making the campout a non-profit reached a huge milestone along the path to Non-profit. The Campout is now under the new event organization ran by Wolfletech and staff named "WI Furs LLC". WI Furs LLC will allow the campout to continue for years to come and We continue to seek 501(c)3 status.
The third installment of the campout occurred on August 3rd - 5th, 2018 at Astico County Park in Columbus, WI. The First Theme was "Nights under the Stars". there were 43 attendees and 45 pounds of Smoked Pork Shoulder. Kayak races and campfires both nights with a whole lot of fursuiters.
On May 4, 2019, WI Furs LLC was converted to Wisconsin Furs, Inc bringing the event into Non-Profit 501c3 Status with IRS rules. The board currently consists of 3 WI Furs.
The fourth installment of the campout occurred on August 2nd-4th, 2019 at Astico County Park in Columbus, WI. The First Theme was "Tails and Trails".
2020 was suppose to be the fifth year of the Wisconsin Wilderness Campout. Due to the Pandemic, It's Ruff Out and Wisconsin Wilderness Campout were both cancelled for the year. In it's place, the directors asked people to go camping on that weekend in honor of the cancelled event.
2021 was "eventful" to say the least. The theme was "Mythical Creatures, It came from the Shadows" ......It was wet....Very Wet... But some lasting Memories were made. We had a total of XX Attendees and XX were Sponsors. Larger than Years 1 and 2 combined!